Wednesday, September 14, 2011

You Want Who To Design My Space?

While I haven’t watched a lot of HGTV or those types of shows, I know that how they portray interior design does a grave injustice to our industry. First off, they are filmed in states without title acts, which means that anyone is able to call themselves a designer . . . even Vanilla Ice. Rapping and interior design are the same thing, right? Secondly, they claim that the majority of redesigns can be done for under $500. Sure, if you just want some new paint, pillows, and furniture arrangement. They also make it look like a complete kitchen remodel (new cabinetry, appliances, fixtures, etc.) can be done in only one day. Considering I started remodeling my living over a month ago and it still isn’t done, I’m going to have to go with a no on that one.
Or what about those shows where friends or neighbors swap spaces for a day and redesign according to what they think the owner would like? The majority of those that I’ve seen, the people put the exact opposite in that the owner would like, so it’s not a functional space In the broadest idea of the term. I saw one where the “designer” surrounded the client’s bed with nails sticking a few inches out of plywood. There’s also the absurdity of design competition shows, where they give contestants empty white boxes and then send them to a pet store and tell them to create a space out what they can find in that store. What comes out of that is not a well designed, functional space, but rather a piece of art. Functionality is not taken into account when they create them. They are not spaces that can be used by anyone, so how does that make a contestant a designer?

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